There are 2 ways to acquire these weapons, one is post game guaranteed
and the other is a low percent drop from certain 10 star NPC's. The
guaranteed methods of obtaining are only available after completing a
certain character's chapter 4. I will give the location of the NPC that
drops and also the location of the weapon to purchase/steal from. The drop rate for challenging is 2% so it may take a while to get the items to drop.
Battle-tested Sword
Phys. Atk +400
Critical +150
Augment Physical
Purchase in Wellspring after completing Olberic's chapter 4 |
Challenge Townperson in Lower Bolderfall |
Battle-tested Spear
Phys. Atk +390
Critical +148
Purchase in Rippletide after completing Tressa Chapter 4 and Mikk & Makk quest in Noblecourt |
Challenge Elderly Woman in central left house in Rippletide |
Battle-tested Dagger
Phys. Atk +380
Evasion +140
Accuracy down on enemy
Purchase in Undertow Cove after completing Alfyn Chapter 4 |
Challenge Guard Captain in upper Bolderfall's Ravus manor gate |
Battle-tested Axe
Phys. Atk +350
Elem. Atk +250
Increased Ice/Lighting damage
Purchase in Victor's Hollow after completing Olberic Chapter 4 |
Challenge Tavern Patron in Atlasdam |
Battle-tested Bow
Phys. Atk +384
Critical +186
Phys Def down on enemy
Purchase in S'warkii after completing H'aanit Chapter 4 |
Challenge Old Storyteller in S'warkii |
Battle-tested Staff
Phys. Atk +212
Elem. Atk +399
Slow enemies
Purchase in Saintsbridge after completing Ophilia Chapter 4 |
Challenge Elderly Woman in Clearbrook |
Battle-tested Shield
Phys. Def +132
Evasion -88
Restore HP/SP
Purchase in Marsalim after completing Olberic Chapter 4 |
Challenge Muttering Codger in Flamesgrace |
Thanks for viewing. What do you think of the weapons?
Here is a link to the Forbidden weapon locations.
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