Showing posts with label Anki. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anki. Show all posts

The Role of Anki in Language Learning

I've been wanting to write about this for a while. I see a lot of people over complicate their experience with Anki and even shy away from using it all together because they perceive it to be more complicated than it is. The first thing I will state is that all the content within this article is based off of my own opinion of the software from how I've used it and how I've seen others use it.

The first thing to note is that Anki is merely a supplement to your learning. The reason and method of using Anki will vary throughout your language learning journey. However one should not feel obligated to use it at any point. Once it becomes boring or you forget the reason you're even using it, then simply just stop.

You can download for free Anki here:

Smartphone Apps for Learning Korean


When you think of or ask about language learning apps, the first thing to come up will likely be Duolingo. Sadly it has a lot of drawbacks, it's slow to update despite having ads and subscription options, the courses are community made and pretty low quality and overall it doesn't contain enough content to actually get anywhere in the language you're studying.

Anki Decks for Korean Learners

Anki and Anki Settings

I'm going to presume you found this article because you have downloaded Anki but are looking to find some decks to use with it. The decks I have made are for varying levels so please take a look and download the ones that you believe would be best for you. Most of the decks have audio and contain a picture one the front and sentence on the back. Anki has a lot of personalisation and for good reason, every one will always have a preference for 1 setting over another, so it is  always good to experiment with new settings so that you can find what works for you.