Where to Watch Digimon Series Korean Dub (디지몬 더빙 다시보기 링크집)

This page is a compilation of various pages and webplayers where you can watch the full series in Korean. It's possible that some of the link may cease to work. I will try to keep it as up to date as possible. Some series may not yet have been posted. I'm unsure if there is anywhere to purchase the DVD copies for the dub, so this is the best we have for now.

You shouldn't need to sign in to any accounts to watch anything. Other than the links being dead you may have to deal with low quality sound and video. If there was a place to watch it in higher quality I would point you there. If it becomes available I will update this page accordingly.

Hopefully digimon lovers, Koreans or Korean learners will find this page so we can all enjoy this series together. I don't have the movies yet but I may search for them later and add them to this post.

1. Digimon Adventure (디지몬 어드벤처) [1999]

디지몬 어드벤처 더빙 다시보기

The one that started it all. The quality on this one was always bound to be less than the others due to it's age. For me this one has one of the best progressions and most of the characters are likeable. With the dubs you may notice that the characters all have different names and Tokyo is localised as 서울. 

The playlist is not in the best order but it does contain all 54 episodes, enjoy.

Playlist on Kakao TV

2. Digimon Adventure 2 (파워 디지몬) [2000]

파워 디지몬 더빙 다시보기

Maybe my favourite series. The main downsides being the over-reliance on the digieggs(디지캡슐). The digivolutions are great how they are based on the previous digimons crest though. I really like the voice acting in this one. It also has a lot of emotional ups and downs especially about halfway through. The quality is much better on this one. There are 2 episodes missing because they were not shown on Korean TV.

Playlist on Kakao TV

3. Digimon Tamers  (디지몬 테이머즈) [2001]

디지몬 테이머즈 더빙 다시보기
Digimon Tamers tries to break away from the previous set of characters and tries to start afresh. It does so quite well, with a lot of enjoyable characters and covering all digivolutions up to megas makes it feel much better than season 2 did to watch. There are hardly any dull moments and I think this one has the best fights up to this point. The lower amount of main characters makes it much easier to like them too I found. The playlist is in reverse order so remember to turn autoplay off.

For me this one has the best music, The opening, divolution and the end song are all top tier, you can find them on YouTube quite easily and 툴라 has a cover and updated versions of the song if you check out his YouTube channel.

Playlist on Kakao TV

4. Digimon Frontier (디지몬 프론티어) [2002]

디지몬 프론티어 더빙 다시보기

I'm interested to watch this one. Just like Digimon Tamers it seems to want to reinvent how digimon work and tries not to link it into the old series. As far as I'm aware the digimon in this show Kotemon and Monmon were part of the videogame Digimon world 3(2003 in the UK). I only know them from the game so it will be interesting to seem them in the anime.

Naver blog with all episode links

5. Digimon Data Squad (디지몬 세이버즈) [2006]

디지몬 세이버즈 더빙 다시보기

I'll write a longer intro when I've got round to watching this one. I'm not sure what it's about but I noticed the main characters are older than previous seasons. Hopefully it lives up to the quality of the older ones.

Naver blog with all episode links

6. Digimon Fusion (디지몬 크로스워즈) [2010]

디지몬 크로스워즈 더빙 다시보기

All I can find for this at the moment is a Japanese version with Korean subtitles. I will leave the link incase you are inclined to watch, however I will be on the look out for a korean dubbed version. I did find one from the previous Naver pages posted but the links are dead and it doesn't seem to have been fixed yet.

Japanese dub on Kakao TV

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1 comment:

  1. I use the kimchi reader and I can't find a way to use subtitles for these videos, is this possible?


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